Gettin' your family back to the dinner table :)
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Is it Christmas time already?

Enjoy one last Holiday Meal with Taste of Life! We're serving up Prime Rib, our favored Beeler's Spiral Cut Hams, Cheesey Potatoes and more! But Hurry! We'll stop taking orders by Dec. 15th midnight.

Red Tree Branch

Welcome to Taste of Life!
Natural Market and Prepared Meals

Hi! I'm Donna, owner, operator and mom at Taste of Life Stores. I started this business because I wanted my family to have good food within a budget. What once was chicken being sold out of my garage is now a family run operation in beautiful Monument bringing healthy and delicious prepared meals to families everywhere. We're happy to serve you so come on in! Visit our “secret” location where you enter our store at the back of our kitchen facility. I must warn you though - the pleasant aromas coming from our kitchen make you very hungry when you shop.

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Let Us Take Care of Your Easter Meal!

Prime Rib, Beeler's Ham, and all sorts of goodies await! Cut off for taking orders is March 24th with pickup Friday, March 29th all day. Order now!

Red Tree Branch
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Sign up for Our Newsletter!

Our newsletter is the absolute best way to keep up with our regular deals, specials and Taste of Life news. Be sure to join the list so you don't miss some of our short sales!

Join in on our Bulk Sale!!!!

Get ahold of your favorite items for our Bulk Sale! Our order cut off time is Monday, September 28th at 5pm with pickup on Thursday, October 1st. We've added some wonderful items. Order today!

Red Tree Branch
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We can only hold your order for 48 hours. Please be sure to pick up your order within 48 hours of confirmation to ensure its availability! Please also remember that our online orders are subject to availability. We'll do our best to have it ready when you note the time you desire to pickup! Thank you!!!!

Thanks for being the best part of Taste of Life!

Visit our store Monday-Friday from 8:30am-5pm and Saturday 9am to 3pm. Shop all of our goodies or place an order online. Dawn will be ready for you at the register to help you with whatever you need, and our Taste of Life family is always working hard to bring you high quality delicious meals. Don't forget to sign up for our newsletter to get all the good deals and specials! Thank you for blessing us and have a great day!